Luxembourg | 2024 | Interactive VR | Color | 28min | English, French | English, French Subtitle | Parental Guidance 12
※ 官網場次僅供參考,各場次即時售票狀況請見年代售票系統,
※ 2025 / 1 /17 – 2025/ 3 / 30 互動節目雙人同行優惠550元。享同行優惠須購買同一場次,同時入場。線上購票請於年代結帳頁選取折扣。
※ 優惠套票推薦:VR體感劇院雙享套票,詳情請見下方連結。
𝗢𝘁𝗼’𝘀 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗲𝘁 follows the peaceful life of Oto, who loves nothing more than lounging in his hammock and enjoying the fruits of the single tree on his tiny planet. His tranquility is shattered when Exo, a hyperactive and cumbersome cosmonaut, crash-lands in a small spacecraft. The ensuing attempts at communication and cohabitation between these two unlikely roommates are fraught with difficulty.
Gwenael François is a French/Luxembourgish director and producer, co-founder of Skill Lab in Luxembourg. He directed film shorts and story driven music videos that blends creativity and technology. Embracing VR, he's directing interactive experiences including Oto's Planet (2024) and Errances (2023). Collaborating all over the world, he develops his creativity through innovation.