Taiwan Premiere | Germany|2018|Interactive|Color|40min|English|None Subtitles | Parental Guidance 12

. VR體驗內含高度驚悚內容,為了您的安全,孕婦、患有心臟疾病及血壓異常者請自行斟酌觀影
. 體驗時間限時40分鐘。本片係因屬遊戲引擎應用程式之VR體驗,將因個人觸發不同情節而影響觀影時間,請自行斟酌

. 全片為英文發音,且無中英文字幕,可能影響解謎線索之理解,購買前敬請斟酌考量。

2018 Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia|2018 BUSAN International Film Festival


KOBOLD is a new kind of horror experience that blurs the line between cinema and VR gaming. Step into the shoes of an urban explorer investigating the mysterious case of a missing boy. Pick up your flashlight and discover the secrets of an abandoned villa in the middle of a dark forest in Germany.


Immerse yourself in true, cinematic realism, explore an interactive universe, pick up clues and dare to venture deeper into a mystical world where your actions can have grave consequences.

  • KOBOLD intends to push the boundaries of what is possible in VR:
    The world was scanned from real locations and the characters were captured with photogrammetry and Mo-cap. Meticulous attention was paid to atmospheric design and compelling, experimental narrative inspired by pagan mythology and the claustrophobic environment of 1970s East Germany.