France|2018|VR360|Colour|16 min|Mandarin|Chinese, English Subtitles|Documentary|15 seats | General Audience
※ 官網場次僅供參考,各場次即時售票狀況請見年代售票系統,
※ 優惠套票推薦:VR體感劇院雙享套票,詳情請見下方連結。
The real thing is a journey into a copy of our world. Seeking the monumental copycat architecture of China and other countries around the world.
Residential areas where people live an everyday life in places simulating other places.
Benoit Felici is a French-Italian filmmaker graduated from the ZeLIG film school in Italy. His previous film “Unfinished Italy” was a journey into the remains of incomplete buildings and infrastructure, scattered throughout rural Italy, and which had turned into ruins. The film received 15 international awards (Documenta Madrid, Premiers Plans d’Angers) and was screened widely in the international film festivals circuit. In THE REAL THING, Benoit follows the path that led him to "Unfinished Italy" and brings his reflection to a new focus: the world’s architectural replicas, the reality of life in fake surroundings. In 2013 Benoit Felici received the Foundation Lagardère’s Excellence Grant as a documentary author.
Chelebourg began working as an assistant film director before being recruited for orders such as clips, digital advertising and documentaries. Along the journey, he has devoted an important place to narrative and technical experiments. He started VR creation in 2012, and has created many award-winning immersive works since then. Chelebourg’s well known immersive works include “Alice, The Virtual Reality Play”, “The Real Thing”, “Doctor Who: The Runaway” and “BABA YAGA”.