France|2018|Interactive|15min|English, French, German|None Subtitles|Animation | Parental Guidance 12
Warning! This film may cause the psychological anxiety and claustrophobia. Please assess carefully before experiencing “The Scream VR”
Edvard Munch’s The Scream is omnipresent. The famous face distorted by terror has fired our imaginations so greatly that it has become the universal symbol of dread. Are you ready to unleash the secrets of the most famous « scream » in art history?
Alone in an empty museum, you find yourself face to face with the painting. Do you dare touch it? Take care: demons and phantoms will spring from the canvas and drag you into the depths of the artist’s tortured mind.
Based on the painting, The Scream VR carries the user away to explore the painter’s obsessions and work. This interactive and sensory virtual-reality experience unfolds in three chapters, presenting a unique interpretation of the Expressionist masterpiece.
Sandra PAUGAM has been involved in the making of a plethora documentaries on art & culture. She has made several art films with the Orsay Museum and RMN, including her recent Cocottes et courtisanes (Best TV Documentary at FIFA 2016).
Charles AYATS holds a degree in Interactive Digital Experience from the Gobelins School of Images in Paris. He has taken a keen interest in VR (S.E.N.S. VR, 2016), developing interactive fiction films and documentaries for this new medium (7 Lives, 2019).