With the goal of fostering local VR creators and to prospering the exchange between international and VR industry in Taiwan, Kaohsiung Film Archive (KFA) hosted the first edition of “Kaohsiung VR FILM LAB Talent Workshop” for students during 2018 Kaohsiung Film Festival.
Following the positive feedback and experience of the 2018 edition, KFA opens the first VR talent workshop that combines funding and talent-cultivation. KFA pours rich resource from local and international VR industry into the 2019 Kaohsiung VR FILM LAB Talent Workshop.
The Workshop will focus on creativity development and project fundraising, with Stage 1 in July (4-day lessons) for participants to get to know how global VR industry works, how to raise money for a good project, and to develop their own projects; and Stage 2 in October for participants to have one on one meetings with international experts and have public pitching of their final VR projects.
The final project selected by the pitching jury will receive 1 million NTD production fund from KFA, and can have its World Premiere in the Kaohsiung Film Festival.
Organizer: Kaohsiung Film Archive.
Co-organizer: Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government, Bureau of Cultural Affairs Kaohsiung City Government, and Economic Development Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government.
Sponsor: La France à Taiwan.
Eligible Participant
- Filmmakers who have previously involved in film production. Including but not limited to screen writer, director, producer, production designer, cinematographer, Visual Effect director or other related positions.
- Creators who have combined technology and arts in their works. Including but not limited to theater, experimental image, and new media
- University students with experience in film, theater, digital art or related creative arts
- Participants may apply in groups, each group should not be more than 2
- Maximum 15 groups of participants will be selected to take part in the
The Lecturer & Jury of the Stage 1

After a Master II Communication and Media in Assas and a Master II PLA at the Sorbonne , he created his production company FATCAT FILMS in 2005.
In November 2013, FATCAT FILMS incorporates the audiovisual group PREMIERE HEURE and became its digital label. In January 2014 he creates a second production company specializing in the production of content for virtual reality, OKIO STUDIO, by partnering with Pierre Zandrowicz and Lorenzo Benedetti . This company have created short experience where screened at Tribeca, Cannes and Venice Film Festival amongst others. In October 2017 he sold OKIO STUDIO to a commercial group and team up with new producers to create a new immersive production company ATLAS V, in Paris, Lyon, New York, and Los Angeles.

CHAE has been living and making films in Korea, USA and China since he encountered his first camcorder at 7 years old. His works span a variety of genres and practices media convergence to bring audiences compelling experience. Chae’s role as a Executive VFX supervisor for
1. 報名者須於108年6月27日(四) 晚上12點以前完成線上報名。
2. 線上報名方式:
(1) 步驟一:進入高雄電影館官網→最新消息→活動,詳閱活動簡章並下載報名表格(內含個人簡歷、報名動機等),以個人為單位(即團隊成員須每人填寫一份報名表),完成報名表檔案填寫並簽名(電子檔名稱請命名為「報名者姓名_VR工作坊報名表」)。
(2) 步驟二:以組為單位,以Google帳號進入線上報名表頁面(網址:https://bit.ly/2ICVK8j),填寫線上報名資料,並上傳團隊全部成員的報名表電子檔。
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1. 第一階段資格審查:由主辦單位依據團隊成員簡歷、報名動機等,針對「是否具有完成VR攝製案之潛力」進行審核,錄取團隊可參與第一階段培育課程。
2. 第二階段企畫審查:主辦單位將組成複審委員會,自參與第一階段各團隊所繳交之VR拍攝企畫案評選,依照積分高低(含第一階段課程提案發表分數及繳交之VR拍攝企畫案分數),評選出第二階段培育課程之錄取團隊。
3. 各階段錄取名單將於高雄電影館官網公告,並以電話或E-mail通知錄取複審結果。
1. 第一階段錄取之團隊,每一團隊須於7月10日(三)以前,以團隊為單位,完成繳交學費新臺幣2,000元及保證金新臺幣1,000元。團隊符合結業條件者(團隊成員合計不得缺席超過2堂課,且於規定期限8月12日(一)前繳交提案企劃書),主辦單位將會頒發結業證書及退還保證金新臺幣1,000元。
2. 學生團隊(須2人皆為學生)可憑學生證取得學費半價優惠,須於報名時上傳團隊成員之學生證正反面檔案或其他足資證明在學中之資料佐證,報名時間截止後恕不接受補件。
3. 繳費方式:
(1) 至高雄市電影館一樓櫃台繳納(開館時間:每週二至週日下午1:30~晚上9:30)。
(2) 匯款至指定銀行:高雄銀行-前金分行;戶名:高雄市電影館;帳號:202101-013822。請於匯款完畢,將匯款人姓名、匯款時間、帳號後五碼寄至指定信箱:vrfilmlab.kh@gmail.com,信件主旨為「報名者姓名-完成VR工作坊費用繳納」,經專人確認完畢後即可收到回信通知。
2. 報名者保證參與工作坊期間所提出之拍攝案企劃、故事大綱等作品應無抄襲、剽竊之情事,若有作品不實、侵害他人著作權或其他權利之行為,由報名團隊成員負連帶之完全責任,相關法律責任與損害賠償,概與主辦單位無關。
- 課程期間之住宿、交通需由學員自行負擔。
- 本報名簡章未盡事宜,由主辦單位視實際需求調整及補充規定公告於高雄電影館網站,不再另行通知。
- 主辦單位保留修改活動規則與課程權利,並有權對本活動所有事宜作出解釋或裁決。